Machine unlearning
Credit: xkcd.Someone sent me a paper by John Abbot and Jennifer Marohasy called the application of machine learning for evaluating anthropogenic versus natural climate change. Their conclusion is that...
View ArticleArguing about the greenhouse effect – again
There’s been a rather lengthy Twitter thread about the greenhouse effect. In particular, focusing on claims that there is no such thing. Of course, engaging in such discussions so as to actually change...
View Article2017: A year in review
I’ve now been writing this blog for almost 5 years and I still don’t quite know what I’m trying to achieve, if anything. Hopefully a blog that presents a reasonable representation of our current...
View ArticleModels are failed hypotheses!
John Christy has written a report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation called climate models have been predicting too much warming. The basic conclusion of the report is that climate models predict...
View ArticleA little knowledge
There is apparently a paper from a couple of years ago that is currently doing the rounds and that argues that the Molar Mass Version of the Ideal Gas Law Points to a Very Low Climate Sensitivity. The...
View ArticleFlight free talk
I gave my first ever public climate science talk at a Flight Free event in Edinburgh. If you’re interested in seeing my talk slides, you can download them here. The idea behind Flight Free is to...
View ArticleOutgoing longwave radiation
Something that often strikes me is that when I think I understand something quite well, there often turns out to be an aspect that I haven’t understood particularly well. I sometimes think that this is...
View ArticleNo, it probably isn’t mostly due to changes in clouds!
I haven’t done a paper debunk for a while, but a reader got in touch to ask about a recent paper by Hans Rolf-Dübal and Fritz Vahrenholt, so I thought I would have a quick look. The paper is Radiative...
View ArticleThe Greenhouse Effect
I’ve ended up in a rather silly discussion/debate on Twitter about the Greenhouse Effect. I realise it’s rather pointless, in that those who dispute it are very unlikely to accept its reality....
View ArticleRevisiting causality using stochastics
The Proceedings of the Royal Society A has just published two papers by Koutsoyiannis et al. on revisiting causality using stochatics, the first being the theory paper and the second presenting some...
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